Monday, February 21, 2005


* mccain wants to kick russia outta g8

* fauxnews rewrites a hclinton quote - from 'suicide bomebers' to 'homicidebombers' - truly astonishing. i hate frankluntz.

* happy fucking presidents day

* i mentioned the other week that there was some serious condi4pres noise happening - instapundit has joined in. apparently the msg has been sent out (15/1 @ tsports)

* chriswallace did a piece on regnery books. fookin ho.

* "Much has been made of Syrian support for the radical Lebanese Shiite group Hizballah. However, not only has Syrian support for the group been quite minimal in recent years, the group is now a legally recognized Lebanese political party and serves in the Lebanese parliament. During the past decade, its militia have largely restricted their use of violence to Israeli occupation forces in southern Lebanon and in disputed border regions of Israeli-occupied Syria, not against civilians, thereby raising serious questions as to whether it can actually still be legally considered a terrorist group."

* would the ams move all their ships outta the gulf b4 hitting iran? or would that be a clue as to the timing? praps best to leave em all in place... u gotta destory the ships to save (something)

* if u go to theres a kids section (coming soon)

* huntersthompson has apparently killed himself. before the election u might remember that he warned jonk that they might kill him. i actually downloaded an interview with him from jjj just last week and havent listened to it. ghost who talks...

four moron years.

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