Monday, February 21, 2005


* "(Incidentally, and for what little it may be worth, Jim Guckert and Nick Berg both attended West Chester university.)" (and notgannon was in blinky's frathouse - tke)

* apparently notgannon is 47, but he was selling himself as a 32 y.o. just a year or two ago - praps we can get him to turn on false advertising - capone-style. also curious, how do u sell yourself as being 15-odd years younger, in practical terms? what happens when the john turns up, expecting (nee, wanting) a 32y.o.? at a minimum, one expects there wouldnt be much repeat business. one expects that there are actual 32 yo hookers out there who'd charge the same sort of rates - why would u accept 2nd best? in my part of the world, 15 years is nearly the non-trivial difference between a mother and daughter!,1,4721935.column?coll=chi-news-col&ctrack=1&cset=true

* btw dougwead, the guy who apparently taped blinky's phcalls is an evangelical who tricks people into going to moonie meetings. (ashcroft & falwell too) odd bedfellows. why do they hate jesus? why do they hate america? is there a wead/moonie/notgannon/spence connection?

* "If we follow the slime trail left by Gannon and his sponsors all the way to the end, we'll stand face-to-face with the real authors of the Iraq war, and the full record of their crimes in the reckless pursuit of power and imperial glory."

* i was listening to a radiointerview with notgannon, and he referred to his false name as a 'synonym - i mean, pseudonym' - it prolly doesnt mean nuthin - but it was kinda funny/odd - praps freudian? (ftr, im not even sure that guckert is his real name.) notgannon might be pathological, but he isnt stupid as far as i can tell (he didnt look as cool as a spy on andersoncooper tho) - its not like he just wokred out what a pseudonym is... (and ftr - jeffgannon was the name he used when he was a hooker - its not like he was trying to distance himself from *that* past with a new name)

* that same radioshow interviewed " Bob Deans, a longtime White House reporter for Cox News Service and former president of the White House Correspondents' Association" who said "we sat together nearly every day" - its kinda surprising that he didnt have something to say earlier... he must have realised that the guy was getting dailypasses for two years and praps thought something was amiss - he may have even done some googling and realised that notgannon wasnt actually a journo, and that talon didnt exist... dont ya reckon itd be pretty standard to ask the guy "so where did u work before talon?". surely former president of the whca bobdeans knew that gannon wasnt a journo and was also getting fed some weird info.
is the seating fixed or did deans always sit next to him by choice? if notgannon was getting dailypasses then its difficult to imagine that he wasnt a floater. is there a mrs deans? i can only find a single pic of bob deans @ google (his bio @ cox/ajc)

* there was a report in the chron that bobyy and bruce eberle are brothers - altho they seem to be denying it. bruce of course is in the directmail biz, (just like krove) - and is an ashcroft whore (and that whole campaign finance thingy)

* a curious thing about notgannon is that he is quite articulate *and* opinionated, yet he lifted shitehouse talking points verbatim, with nary a hint of journalism or even opinion - there are some quotes here from freeper-central - and many of his comments to the media dissemble - which is kinda difficult to do properly, talking points or not. you'd think that if he had any ego or wanted to please his masters or whatever, he'd actually try to embellish the reports or show how clever he was or some such.

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