Wednesday, March 16, 2005

fantasy lukeryland

* "Some 46% of Republicans would support military action against North Korea, compared with just 26% of independents and 23% of Democrats. For Iran it breaks down similarly (43%-23%-17%) and Syria (39%-23%-13%)." LINK
why are repugs so repug?

* "Senior US administration officials are working on a policy to “contain” Hugo Chávez, the Venezuelan president, and what they allege is his drive to “subvert” Latin America's least stable states." LINK
these people are fucking incredible.

* "The Pentagon had told Congress on Monday that there are 142,472 trained and equipped Iraqi security forces...
"This is like fantasy land. This is as fictive as the weapons of mass destruction," Dennis Kucinich, an Ohio Democrat Congressman, told Rear Admiral Sullivan of the Pentagon's figures.
"I'm embarrassed for you that you would come to a congressional committee with this kind of a phony report."" LINK
i wish Kucinich was president........... sigh.

* ari2: "Now, if you have free and fair elections, I think experience shows that people tend to choose leaders who are committed to improving their quality of life, not terrorists."
head exploding.

* thinkprogress does a story about the bolton/taiwan problem that i mentioned the other day. this is a real problem.

* justin at antiwar notes this retraction about the story that the saddam's capture was fabricated:
"I'm the UPI Pentagon correspondent. This is actually not a true story. It was written in a Saudi paper, and picked up by our Arabic-speaking desk in Lebanon. However, I've not been able to find any evidence that this guy exists, much less that he was in the Marine Corps. The story was not run by me before it was published, and we have since pointed out the errors in the piece. Any questions, please contact me.
Pamela Hess, UPI."

cute. moonietimes trying to muddy the waters. we'll see where this one ends up. more noise to come, methinx.

* why are the peshmurga legit, but hezbollah in lebanon needs to disarm?

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