Wednesday, March 16, 2005

ok - so now that khughes has got her new job, fauxnews did a piece on her an it included a comment that she was actively involved with helping out on 911, and they put a photo on the screen that i hadnt seen before with cheney and rice and karen all looking thoughtful and saving the world.

in any case, i was surprised to see karen there as well - so i did an search for "hughes rice cheney 911" - theres only one pic and its the exact one that the showed on faux. lo and behold, its from a site called and the whole point of the article is to suggest that the photo is a set-up. according to the article the pic was run in the Washington Post (June 18, 2004)

odd huh?

so i did an search for "hughes rice cheney" and this is the only one to pop up - its from the veeps website.

(part) caption: "Immediately after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Vice President Dick Cheney and senior staff gathered in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center."

does it look staged? do u think that they maybe had more pressing things to do than sit around trying to look thoughtful while someone took a photo?

and if it isnt staged, why was karen helping the veep save the free world? who the hell gave her bunker rights?

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