Monday, March 14, 2005

so pro marriage

* "With some members increasingly concerned that DeLay had left himself vulnerable to attack, several Republican aides and lobbyists said for the first time that they are worried about whether he will survive and what the consequences could be for the party's image... DeLay's legal defense fund received contributions from two of the new ethics committee members"
in most systems, that would set off warning bells... and can we please start referring to it as an 'ethics' committee?

* ive been trying to avoid the terryschiavo circus forever. but the pricetag thing is much funny. i think ill bid for her if they put her on ebay. i didnt know that women were so expensive tho. jeepers.

* "Signs of Anthrax at Two Pentagon Mailrooms"

* hollinger is suing black. id love to see them sue the whole board. kissinger in orange. perle in orange. yummmm, oranges.


* " Fox journalists offer their own opinion in seven out of ten stories on the news channel, versus less than one in ten stories on CNN and one in four on MSNBC." (the rest of the study is bogus. ) LINK

* part2 of rawstory's scottritter interview. (im paraphrasing, twisting a bit) 'the neocons are criminally disposed to fundamental evil' LINK

* ron (not roy) at whyareweback writes an article about my concerns that the nyt was linking to a white-hate group in the lefkow coverage. he saw me quoted at commonills and fully quoted/linked to me (he has a justifiable thing about that!). ron does good work. LINK

* the whole propaganda thing is getting worserer. people are shocked! shocked! the nyt article seemed to kick things off again. amy at demnow has a good piece on it and while we're at it, we get a new review of "Orwell Rolls In His Grave" from The Third Estate Sunday Review LINK

* notgannon " once played for a local gay softball team." softball! cute. all those who said notgannon didnt have any journalism experience were wrong. he practised softball for years. LINK

* bartcop is streaming a free sample of bartcop-radio. its funny-ish if you like bart. 20mins. LINK

* heres a sentence i never considered that i thought id read:
"now let me name the male bloggers i know. greg palast, dahr jamail, ari what's his name at the nation, bob somerby (daily howler) there's ron of why are we back in iraq? and there's luke of wotisitgood4. there's danny schechter." (somewhat snipped)
LINK btw - schecter's Weapons of Mass Deception is on the teeve here tonight. thnk god for the sbs.

* josh is getting married. congratulations josh.

* pamboo (when 2 become one) are engaged. woohoo. congratulations. woohoo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the do great work too,
