Wednesday, May 25, 2005

they mobilise via anger.

adam sent through an email from barbboxer about the filibuster fight
"If you were wondering if we won or lost the debate on judicial filibusters, look no further than the following statement from James Dobson, founder of "Focus on the Family" and a key architect of the right-wing extremist movement:
"This Senate agreement represents a complete bailout and betrayal by a cabal of Republicans and a great victory for united Democrats. The rules that blocked conservative nominees remain in effect, and nothing of significance has changed."
For more evidence, check out the headline from today's Washington Times, a key mouthpiece of the right-wing: "7 Republicans abandon GOP on filibuster""

theres quite a bunch of this going around - and im not sure i buy into it. firstly, as i said yesterday, the deal looks pretty tenuous, and so i dont put much faith in any post-match analysis, cos it strikes me that the game is far from over - both in narrow terms, and in much broader terms.
secondly, judging our success by whether the moonbats are unhappy seems to miss the major point - dobson and his ilk are 100% theocrats - being part-theocrat is like being part-pregnant. anything short of 100% theocracy will make them angry. anger is omnipresent. they mobilise via anger. and they are in a hurry. the dust hasnt even settled yet.

probably the most interesting thing is whether there really are a significant bunch of repugs who feel that they can split off from the core... to the extent that is true, it seems to suggest the end of the famous discilpine, and it also points to the fact that (some) repugs are getting scared about their pyscho leadership. first we had voinovich on bolton, and now this break-out group. id love it if that were part of a pattern, therell be rats jumping all over the place.

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