"Perle drew cheers for denouncing Palestinian anti-Semitism and the French... Perle provoked cheers from the crowd when he favored a military raid on Iran, saying that "if Iran is on the verge of a nuclear weapon, I think we will have no choice but to take decisive action." When Harman said the "best short-term option" is the U.N. Security Council, the crowd reacted with boos."and
" But the attendees overall showed an impressive ideological discipline -- right down to AIPAC's multimedia show, "Iran's Path to the Bomb," in the convention center's basement.
The exhibit, worthy of a theme park, begins with a narrator condemning the International Atomic Energy Agency for being "unwilling to conclude that Iran is developing nuclear weapons" (it had similar reservations about Iraq) and the Security Council because it "has yet to take up the issue." In a succession of rooms, visitors see flashing lights and hear rumbling sounds as Dr. Seuss-like contraptions make yellowcake uranium, reprocess plutonium, and pop out nuclear warheads like so many gallons of hummus for an AIPAC conference."
and the FT version ends its AIPAC article thusly:
"AIPAC's display ends with a sombre caution. "Iran is seeking nuclear weapons. Iran already has the means to deliver them. The world can still act. The threat is real. The clock is ticking."
And the multimedia clock starts to tick."
(from gorilla)
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