Friday, June 24, 2005

humanising cheney

* cheney on blitzer said "chuck hagel is wrong" that the war is getting worse. blitzer 'corrected' him, and pointed out that actually, cheney 'disagreed' with hagel. sweet mercies.

* cheney: 'saddam slaughtered hundreds of thousands of his own people'

* blitzer mentioned that maybe cheney himself caused the intelligence to be 'dead wrong' by pressuring the CIA! wow.

* blitzer asked cheney about thememo, and cheney reached for a drinnk of water... cheney hasnt read it (!)

* cheney: gitmo is cool cos the guests there are living in the tropics and are well fed.

* on socsec, cheney said that "personal accounts" are a part of the "final solution"

* the only other time cheney went for his water was when blitzer asked about rove & 911

interviewing cheney is probably never easy, but blitzer did less dicksucking than we usually see, altho it was pretty sad asking about the room they were in, and giving cheney a humanising moment - which was totally preplanned, (wolf pre-announced the discussion at the start of the interview)


update: im watching the interview again, and forgot to mention a couple of things.

a) cheney tried to explain his 'last throes' comment, and he had the audacity to quote that 16-page 'intercepted' zarq memo to obl, which was almost certainly comlete nonsense.

he also reached for the 'dictionary definition' logic, saying that throes can be violent. heres the definition of throes: "A condition of agonizing struggle or trouble: a country in the throes of economic collapse" which is all well and good. for the benefit of the veep, i also looked up the definition of last: "Being, coming, or placed after all others; final"

shit. it looks like cnn isnt gonna show the whole interview. i wanted to watch it again because there was a moment when cheney scratched his face (or nose) and i wanted to see when he did it. if im not mistaken, it was when he was talking about osama. (many body-language experts think that when you scratch your nose, it signals that you might be lying (or are otherwise uncomfortable with what you are saying)

ill try to get my hands on the video again. c&l doesnt have it.

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