Friday, July 15, 2005

CCTV footage of Hasib Hussain

* "CCTV footage of Hasib Hussain - the man thought to be behind the bus bomb - has been released in an attempt to gain more information from eyewitnesses" link
meanwhile, they havent released the kingsx footage, apparently in an attempt to gain less information from eyewitnesses

* "Film from surveillance cameras have tracked the teenager leaving King's Cross station at 8.26am on Thursday, but there is no trace of him until he set off his bomb on the No 30 bus in Tavistock Square to the west at 9.47am." link
hmm - the other reports were that the footage of the four of them together was at 8.28am - interesting.

* "Hussain, at 18 the youngest of the four men who carried out western Europe's first suicide bombings, arrived with the others at King's Cross in central London at around 8.26am"
phew - thats about the hundredth different version. the train from luton was *scheduled* to arrive at 820am. was it running late? or is this loose language? (or maybe they mean arrived at the KingsX Tube station?)

* "One theory is that Hussain's target was in a northern direction, possibly on the Bank branch of the Northern Line in the direction of Euston and Camden Town, but that he was delayed for some reason and could not get on to the Tube.
Disruption after the other devices exploded may have been to blame, or he may have been caught up in the normal overcrowding at busy stations at the height of the rush hour."
the 'disruption' theory is nonsense if he was going to set off the bomb at the same time. the idea that he was supposed to be travelling away from the city doesnt seem to make much sense either. the overcrowding theory is interesting as ive been discussing - the problem with the (official version) entire plan is that any idiot would know that theres a big risk of not being able to get on a tube train - as the article says, its 'normal'.

as ive said repeatedly, its barely conceivable that they planned the event so poorly.

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