Monday, July 18, 2005

fake bomber photo?

these pics are both of the bus bomber - i dont wanna get too carried away with whether it looks like the same guy, but does he have a beard in either photo? in both? or just the pic on the right?

it also looks like his eye has been blacked out on the right? or are they just funny looking shades? here is a blow-up. it kinda looks like they have been painted on - especially the 'bleed' (i dont know anything about photoshop or anything - ive just blown it up). from memory, the eye is generally a really strong identifying feature - if you were trying to pass one person off for another, the first thing you'd wanna do is cover up the eyes.

in fact, it almost looks as though the beard was painted on as well - perhaps they were trying to mimic his passport photo - the only problem with that is that the passport photo could be many months old.

like i said, i dont wanna get too into this speculative stuff, but it does seem a bit weird at first glance. of course, you cant see any of this in the original sized photo link

is anyone better at this stuff? does it look suspicious? lemme know


update - theres more on this story at the homepage - particularly read this latest piece


Anonymous said...

If you blow up the photo of the four men at Luton you do indeed see numerous signs of photo fakery. There's no reason is the world why Hussain should look as if he has a black eye. But the other three men are even worse. They don't seem to have faces at all.

Social Democracy Now

Anonymous said...

The guy on the left is younger and chubbier than the guy on the right who has a leaner, meaner and more strident/erect stature.
-Just a thought, I'm no expert, but keep up the probing!

Anonymous said...

You really want to be very careful with this kind of thing, you are blowing up very poor quality images and in doing so you make them even less accurate.

different cameras behave differently, so people will look different in different shots - you are seeing a wide variation of colour/light responses. Also remember that CCTV type cameras are very noisy, details may be appearing that are not really there, but are a product of the general video noise.

I have been studying these claims that the bombers have been inserted into video stills and have yet to find any credible claims.