Monday, July 25, 2005

fuck you john howard

* apparently one component of the mega dealings between new bestest friends iran and iraq is that iran will provide a gazillion tonnes of wheat. australia used to sell a lot of wheat to iraq. fuck you john howard.

* in a surprise move, tom friedman writes an article full of nonsense - and if we needed any more evidence of his vacuity (or complicity) he quotes MEMRI without being fully honest about who they are. (link)
ill leave it to driftglass to tear tomtom apart - here and here. and wsws takes on the moron as well.

* harry shearer wonders why blinky's jaw goes haywire (link)

* "The most amusing results of the survey are the one-word descriptions, in which pollsters asked each respondent to come up with one word to describe Bush. "Honest" came in No. 1, but only 31 people said it, as opposed to the 38 people who said it in February. Here are the top responses in this week's poll, presented in descending order: honest, incompetent, arrogant, good, integrity, determined, liar, stupid, idiot, strong, leader." (link)

* "George W. Bush will not issue a statement that "Christianity is a religion of peace and we will not allow the Eric Rudolphs to hijack it for their murderous purposes."" (link)

* we arent officially at war with iran yet. thats a good thing.

* the ajc writes: "Revisiting the issue that helped spur her ouster from Congress three years ago, Rep. Cynthia McKinney led a Capitol Hill hearing Friday on whether the Bush administration was involved in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001." (link)
its an hilarious article, but at least they wrote it... i guess.
in a not-very-long article we get this para:
"Georgia peanuts, Cokes and coffee were available to more than 50 attendees, whose casual dress was a decided change from the gangs of blue-suited lobbyists who usually crowd Capitol Hill hearings."
and this one:
"McKinney herself offered witnesses bottled water and found additional trash cans to place around the room."

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