Sunday, July 17, 2005

Jeff Gannon is a whistle

* "There is CCTV footage suggesting that another figure may have been at King's Cross station to usher them into the underground." link
well, release the fucking footage you morons. maybe someone recognises him.

* "It is possible that, unfamiliar with the tube system, he called his handler for instructions." link
right. its the worst planned terrorist attack ever.

* "But Hussain caught the No30 bus. A focus of the police inquiry is to establish what Hussain was doing in the "missing 81 minutes" between 8:26am, when all four bombers arrived at King's Cross, and 9:47am, when he detonated his bomb." link

* "You know, for once I'd like to be wrong about these folks. I really and truly would like them to turn out better and less harmful than first appearances would suggest. But the really truly scary thing is: it always turns out to be worse, much worse, than we even suspected." link

* conyers wants to impeach krove link

* btw - do you think karl roves family is getting nervous? i can hardly imagine they want to spend any time with him.

* "The nondisclosure agreement signed by White House officials such as Mr. Rove states: "I will never divulge classified information to anyone" who is not authorized to receive it." link

* "From Randi Rhodes: "If Karl Rove is a whistleblower, then Jeff Gannon is a whistle!"" link

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