Sunday, July 03, 2005

michael hutchence. sex god. rock stah. song writer. rip.

my computer has been spazzing like crazy. why oh why cant computers be like tvs???

my computer has been so sick that i cant even play music on it - the upside is that ive been watching some musictv. the big news here is the inxs reality tv thing where they are trying to find a new singer, which has meant lots of inxs retrospectives on the teeve.

michael hutchence truly was one of the greatest ever rockstahs. im tempted to even suggest bigger than jim morrison. or jim morrison, but even more so.

hutchence was probably the sexiest man ever. kylie. helena. and, lets not forget, given the current live8 thing, paula. and he wasnt even good looking.

michael hutchence. sex god. rock stah. song writer. rip.

im glad im not trying to fill his shoes in this latest realityTV thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah Michael was the sexiest man alive and no comparisons
Now we have trash like inxs new singer fortune humping microphones and trying to do his best hutchence impersonation what next? will he be dating one of paula yates daughters?