Friday, August 26, 2005

bolton. sticking it to the world. . .hard and nasty

* steve clemons: "There is evidence bubbling to the surface -- not altogether clear -- but pointing to the possibility that Bolton has already stepped out of his holding pen and is undermining Condi Rice and Bob Zoellick -- again with Dick Cheney's blessing." (link)

and: "Bolton is doing exactly what his critics expected of him. He is sticking it to the world. . .hard and nasty." (link)

* " In the extraordinary intervention, John Bolton has sought to roll back proposed UN commitments on aid to developing countries, combating global warming and nuclear disarmament." (link)

* "The address was his, but the name on the credit-card offer took Sami Habbas by surprise: "Palestinian Bomber." "I thought it was a joke or something," said Habbas, 54, a Palestinian American who served in the U.S. Army.
Habbas opened the letter, and the salutation read "Dear Palestinian Bomber."
When he called the company, JPMorgan Chase & Co., provided his ZIP code and invitation number, two operators said to him: "Yes, Mr. Bomber, what can we do for you?"" (link)

* " Robertson’s statement could be a trial balloon to see how Americans would react to the idea of a new U.S.-backed intervention or assassination in the region." (link)
no shit - i said the same thing the other day

* a few people are pointing to this: "How can you tell when Donald Rumsfeld is lying? When he sucks his lips. When does he suck his lips? Pretty much every time he appears in front of the TV cameras. Marc Cooper, who is getting trained in poker body language this week, explains here."
id add another one - he bounces on the balls of his feet.

* "They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore." (link)

* hitchens on the daily show: "you go to war with the president you have". jon destroys hitch.

* jon also discussed the chavez thing - including a quote by paula zahn: "is robertson onto something?"

* fwiw, the 5 year oil futures are at $62/barrel (link)

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