Friday, August 26, 2005


* heres a harris poll from june: "Regardless of what you may personally believe, which of these do you believe should be taught in public schools?"
Evolution only 12%
Creationism only 23 %
Intelligent design only 4%
All three 55 %
None of these (vol.) 3 %
Unsure 3%
im sure that you could get completely different results if you asked the question differently - which is one of the reasons i hate polling, but still! the same poll says that 74% of american idiots believe they were "Created Directly By God" (rather than "Evolved From Earlier Species") - even oldpope didnt buy that nonsense.

1 comment:

lukery said...

st!ff - apologies!

i was actually listening to a Green Day song called American Idiots when i wrote that - lol

we'll keep trying to save you all