Thursday, August 04, 2005

passed on third-hand and via translation

The Guardian does an "The inquiry so far" piece
Are any suspects talking?
Osman/Issac is certainly talking, although what he is actually saying is uncertain as it is being passed on third-hand and via translation. He has been quoted as saying that there was no intention to kill with the bombs found on July 21. There have been reports that one or possibly two of the suspects held in London have been speaking to the police. It is a police technique when interviewing more than one suspect to tell them that the others are talking in the hope of persuading them to cooperate.
aka: "we know nothing"

Would-be bombers may also be deterred by the high police presence in London and the large network of CCTV cameras that have been used so successfully.
the first part of that sentence might conceivably be true, the 2nd part is obviously nonsense. it cant possibly be argued that the cctv's act as a deterrent. the 7/7 'bombers' knew in advance that there were cameras and were apparently happy to be seen together (at luton, if not at kings cross). and if the the 7/7 bombers somehow forgot about the cameras, the 21/7 'bombers' couldnt possibly have not noticed the media.

and apparently suiciders dont even care whether they get seen or not - remember all that nonsense 'they carried ID so that they could be heroes?'

idiotic statements drive me mad. and we've seen a fair share of them lately. grrrr.

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