Sunday, August 07, 2005

sibel edmunds

im (finally) reading the sibel edmunds piece in VF - some observations:

* brent scowcroft is the chair of the aermican-turkish council

* sibel seems to be claiming that she responded to an advertisement for translators after 911 - altho thats not true - her application had been in process for 3-4 years (from memory) - and it was finally approved in the weeks after 911

* and then there are the hastert things of course. i dont know a whole lot about denny, altho he is probably guilty of everything, simply by virtue of his proximity to the GOP creeps. and just for fun, he is from illinois, which by all accounts, makes florida and texas and ohio look like kindergarten - which brings us to Daley, and of course, uber-man Fitzgerald - who is probably about to lose his job, for doing his job. doesnt he know thats not how it works???

* the VF pdf scan is here altho ive never quite trusted pogo since the terry ropes thing that didnt quite convince me

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