Sunday, August 14, 2005

will they blame syria or iran?

* shorter tom delay: "jack who?" (link)

* "U.S. troops raiding a warehouse in the northern city of Mosul uncovered a suspected chemical weapons factory containing 1,500 gallons of chemicals believed destined for attacks on U.S. and Iraqi forces and civilians, military officials said Saturday." (link)
the usual bollox. will they blame syria or iran?

* via atrios:
"A soldier’s #1 job is to stay alive. If you die, you can’t accomplish the mission, and you weaken your team and put your buddies in danger.
Obviously Sheehan’s son, I forget his name at the moment, didn’t die on purpose, and he may well have have had no control over the circumstances that let to his death.
In war, there are no excuses. You find a way to stay alive, whatever it takes — if you’re a good soldier. Sheehan’s son didn’t do that. He paid the price. but he als failed the mission and let down his buddies.
As a soldier, he was a failure. He was brave (maybe), but he was also incompetent.
So, really, how much exactly are we supposed to grieve over this guy? Isn’t a certain amount of disapproval in order for the guy — and by extension his mom, for making such a fuss over a person who was, in the last analysis, by definition a loser?
So shouldn’t Mrs. Sheenhan be showing a little more shame about the situation and maybe not wanting to get her son and his shortcoming splashed all over the media?
Something to consider, anyway." (link)
satire or non?

* laura rosen has the new press release from zelikow saying that atta want identified before 911, despite weldon's claims. as ive been saying, i havent got a clue what is going on.

* frankrich: "Only someone as adrift from reality as Mr. Bush would need to be told that a vacationing president can't win a standoff with a grief-stricken parent commandeering TV cameras and the blogosphere 24/7." (link)
this is obviously true, but as ive been saying, he also cant meet with her. that is the problem. remember what he said in the debates when jonk suggested bilateral talks with ntk.korea - the petulant cowboy spluttered "but that's what he wants!"

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