Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job

UPDATE - theres an important post here about the way the press treated putin when the kursk submarine sank, compared to george bush's handling of Katrina. go read it.

* what sort of salary is condi on? how the fuck can she afford $3000 shoes? from her days at stanford? cos she got some of that $8bn from the cpa in iraq?

* "The BBC's Matt Wells writes that Hurricane Katrina may have saved the U.S. media:
"Amidst the horror, American broadcast journalism just might have grown its spine back, thanks to Katrina.
....The most spectacular example came last Friday night on Fox News....with the sick and the dying forced to sit in their own excrement behind him in New Orleans, its early-evening anchor Shepard Smith declared civil war against the studio-driven notion that the biggest problem was still stopping the looters."" (link)

* matt cooper slams the Inappropriate Sniggerer: "Bush seemed so regularly out of it last week, it made you wonder if he was stuck in the same White House bubble of isolation that confined his dad. Too often, W. looked annoyed. Or he smiled when he should have been serious. Or he swaggered when simple action would have been the right move."

* keith olbermann vituperatively slams the entire egadministration re Lake George. vid here. transcript here

* according to uggabugga, when blinky was getting the potemkin 'briefing' on friday when he had his "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" moment, they were actually looking at a 5 day old map that was completely useless and irrelevant.

* there are more than a few people who are jumping on the "they cant possibly be this incompetent - it must be intentional" bandwagon. heres corrente (and again here) and firegodlake (and there are many many others) - heres xymphora again: " It looks increasingly like FEMA did anticipate it, and in fact had a plan to ensure that New Orleans be ethnically cleansed should the proper storm come along. There is simply too much active sabotage of relief efforts to blame it all on FEMA incompetence. I wonder what other plans they have?"

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