Thursday, September 29, 2005

more on able danger

* "Zaid, who also represents James D. Smith, a private contractor employed by the Pentagon to work on Able/Danger, said that until last summer Smith had on his office wall a copy of a chart of Al Qaeda suspects, produced more than a year before Sept. 11, that had Atta's name and photograph.
"He showed it to anybody who came by--`Look what we had,'" Zaid testified. "And he would just shake his head, `What if, what if, what if....'"" (link)
that sounds pretty clear.

* "Zaid testified that all Able Danger records were destroyed under orders of the Army between December 2000 and March 2001. Additionally, duplicate documentation maintained by Lt Col. Shaffer at his office was also destroyed -- for reasons unknown -- by DIA in Spring 2004." (link)

* wapo via laura rozen: "Miami Beach business consultant Anthony Ferrari (Boulis murder suspect), his wife, Jessie, their young daughter and a five-car entourage of aides already were encamped at the Madison Hotel yesterday. Ferrari hoped to see the horse-drawn procession to the Capitol tonight and perhaps see Reagan's coffin in the Capitol Rotunda tomorrow.
"I'm a big fan of President Reagan," he said. "I met him once. . . . The man had a big impact on America. He really loved this country and it showed."
Laura: "Wonder under what circumstances Ferrari, who claims to be related to "Uncle John" Gotti, met with Reagan?"

* "Previously, I had assumed that our long national nightmare would be over in one of three ways, either with Bush somehow managing to finish his term, with him being impeached, convicted and run out of Washington, or with him being impeached, convicted and then refusing to leave, precipitating a constitutional crisis and even, possibly, a civil war. Now I see a fourth very real possibility...
It is clear now that one way the Bush administration might end would be with the president's resignation...
Of course, a pardon deal would have to be prearranged with Cheney, if they haven't convicted him yet, or with Hastert if they have." (link)

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