Wednesday, September 07, 2005

the radministration is toast

wow - the egadministration is sooooo off its game its not funny. they were always incompetent in every area except PR - and that game has been *shot* to pieces.

watching them trying to play catch-up is almost funny - the blogosphere is virtually pre-empting the talking points, so every time the egadmin reaches for a new straw to grasp onto, it has already been shot down. they've simply got *nuthin*.

things are gonna get much worse for them - the body count is gonna keep trickling over for months, and the 'true' story of how badly they've fucked everything up is virtually being written in real-time (unlike, say, the war, where it has taken 2.5 years for the full story to be written - cf the AP's recent special report, and cnn's "Dead Wrong"). In the case of katrina - none of the lies are sticking, so the lies wont take forever to unravel, or more accurately, to dislodge from conventional wisdom.

the radministration is toast.

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