Thursday, October 27, 2005

did norquist leak to novak?

a couple of weeks ago, jane hamsher had a post called "who is the third man?" based on a Time article which said:
"Fitzgerald's intentions aren't the only mystery. Another character in the drama remains unnamed: the original source for columnist Robert Novak, who wrote the first piece naming Plame. Fitzgerald, says a lawyer who's involved in the case, "knows who it is and it's not someone at the White House.""
Tex over at antiwar blog said: "Oh, and that mysterious "third man?" My money is on Grover Norquist."

that would be a fun twist - as you know, ive long been interested in the Norquist link - I wrote a post called "why is Norquist lying?" - because he said that he didnt know that ralston had testified to the Grand Jury. At the time, everyone had assumed that Ralston was testifying becuase of her proximity to Rove - but maybe norquist knew that fitz would ask ralston about that original novak leak - and he knew he was toast (novakula flipped early).

of course, ralston also used to work for abramoff - she could be one of the most important players in america right now - imagine what she knows! remember all those terrorists that are linked through the abramoff/norquist link. oooh fun. i wrote about that here and here

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