Tuesday, October 11, 2005

jodi wilgoren: creationist or cretin?

* jodi wilgoren: "I don't consider myself a creationist." which means that she probably is. no wonder she could write piece of piece of that tripe on creationism. grrrr. why, oh why, does the NYT destroy the remnants of its brand for sport? (link)

* mary mapes' book on rathergate has apparently been pulled from amazon, pre-release (link)

* john gibson on fox is defending the NOLA cops who beat that old guy.

* brithume's show is talking about the budget problems - and they are discussing the options. interestingly, instead of talking about 'tax increases' they mention 'rolling back tax cuts'. incredible.

* there has been some confusion about whether judy's 'new' notes from the earlier Libby meeting and the notebook that isikoff reported was found in DC are the same thing. the NYT is mum about everything so they arent much help. apparently the just issued a correction: "Missing notes conversation between Lewis and Miller took place on June 23, not June 25." - could they possibly embarass themselves anymore? i fear the answer is yes. (link)

1 comment:

lukery said...

chris - gibson basically used the Rush/Abu Grahib excuse - 'these guys were just letting off steam' - 'what were they supposed to do?' - 'all of their workmates simply left the force when katrina hit - so these guys deserve a break for staying' etc etc.

it was incredible