Tuesday, October 11, 2005

more traitorgate

* arianna: "As The Note put it this morning: "If you aren't spending 90% of your waking time thinking about this, talking about this, and doodling on your jeans about this, then you aren't a member of the Gang of 500, and you probably never will be." In other words, this is THE story of the moment... and the blogosphere is an utterly indispensable tool for following and understanding it." (link)
wow - even TheNote is Noticing. how times change.

* cnn headline: "Attorney: Rove didn't circulate CIA operative's name"
text: ""Karl has truthfully told everyone who's asked him that he did not circulate Valerie Plame's name to punish her husband, Joe Wilson," Luskin said" (link)

* reddhedd: "A lot of the talk on the show (hardball) in this segment centered around the fact that Cheney and Rove are being deliberately cut out of the loop at the WH -- presumably, according to Matthews and the panel, because indictments are coming down the pike. According to Fineman, "The B-Team is in charge..." at the White House these days." (partial hardball vid here - apparently c&l will have more later)

* meanwhile, Cheney didnt turn up for a speech he was supposed to give for the National Review (link) - and Rove has been traipsing around the country showing his kid colleges (apparently!)

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