Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bush’s approval rating: 38%

* great news! texas is gonna constituionally ban gay marriage. civilization has been saved - in the nick of time.

* " (AP) - Iraq, Katrina, CIA leak, Harriet Miers. Things couldn't possibly get any worse for President Bush. Wait, they just did." (link)
lol - the AP gets some snark

* digby: "Schwarzenegger is toast. After watching Bush and him in action maybe people are finally beginning to move beyond the "dumbshit guy I'd like to hang out with" and "movie stars are, like, awesome" methods of choosing our leaders."

* i havent commented on the french riots cos i dont have much to say - apart from how funny it is to watch Fox - juancole captures my sentiments - "Actually, I can only think that the disturbances must produce a huge ice cream headache for the dittoheads. French of European heritage pitted against French of African and North African heritage? How could they ever pick a side?"

* "According to the (nbs/wsj) poll, Bush’s approval rating stands at an all-time low of 38 percent, a one-point decline since October; in fact, this is the third consecutive NBC/Journal survey showing Bush at an all-time low on his job approval. And it doesn’t stop there: Approval for his handling of the economy (34 percent), foreign policy (35 percent), terrorism (39 percent), and Iraq (32 percent) have all hit rock bottom." (link)

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