Wednesday, November 09, 2005

problems with interrogation in Gitmo

* fdl brings you this: "Defending the military's treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, ( Pat Roberts) added: "There are more senators and congressmen with ethics cases pending than there are problems with interrogation right now in Gitmo."
im not sure thats a great analogy to use right now! - lol

* driftglass: "We need well-educated, tech-literate citizens or we will perish as a nation, which is why telling the Christopaths who want to suffocate science and replace it with their inbred, Christard superstition to fuck the Hell off in the name of Jebus is not just jolly good fun, but absolutely imperative for our national survival." (link)

* comment of the week from dave at SeeingTheForest " Lifetime achievement - I actually shushed a librarian! " (link)

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