Thursday, December 01, 2005

lincoln and bksh

earlier today i wrote about the Lincoln Group and their work buying iraqi media and iraqi media space - and i pointed to the fact that BKSH is subcontracting to Lincoln in Iraq.

since then, billmon has updated his work on lincoln. i emailed to tell him about the BKSH link - to which he replied:
"When I see the acronym BKSH, I can't help but pronounce it "baksheesh" -- which is highly appropriate in this case."
see. he's smart.

and i replied:
"aha! but i think you've got the scale wrong.

berkshire hathaway, perhaps?"
see. i try to be smart, too.

josh marshall also did a post on Lincoln - pointing to this - so i sent him the bksh snippet. he actually replied to me, asking:
"how do you know this?"
apparently he was somewhat interested. so i pointed him to this (june, 05):
"BKSH & Assocs., has been hired by The Lincoln Group, one of three firms selected last month by the U.S. Special Operations Command to wage psychological warfare on behalf of the Pentagon in Iraq and other hot spots," O'Dwyer's PR Daily reports. "BKSH has experience on the Iraqi front earned from work for Ahmed Chalabi and his Iraqi National Congress. "
tomorrow might be another moment in blogging fame for me - with a post from josh referring to me as 'reader'

i also stumbled on the news that our friend Francis Brooke is also ex-baksheesh (as well as ex-rendon)

reminder: bksh is the grandson of Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly, and the nephew (or some degenerate offspring) of Davis, Manafort and Freedman. (altho its hard to tell which had the most GOPhacks)

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