Thursday, December 08, 2005

michael mack, duke cunningham and ADCS

earlier i reported that Michael Mack, the chairman of the Young Repugs also worked at GroupW - which is part of the Wilkes group of companies which was bribing Cunningham.

the Group W website has been pulled, but the cache of mack's bio is at google, and his Young Republican bio is here. for one reason or other, neither of those bio's refer to the other - despite being contemporaneuos! the only reason i can tell that its the same "Michael Mack" is that both bio's refer to "Committee on Oversight Chairman Bill Thomas"

Mack's first bio appearance at the Group W website was June, 04, (according to archive.0rg) - but he may have started there earlier (update: mack was at groupw in May 03)

He seems to be a typical YR high-flyer - he spoke twice at the RNC-NYC 2004, and "was selected to be a Bush elector for the U.S. Electoral College during election 2000."
"While a Professional staff member (1997-1999), Mr. Mack was responsible for election reform issues, election fraud investigation"
oh thats great - they put a highflying YoungRepublican in charge of election issues! How do you think they got to become highflying YR's in the first place?

This is why i'm interested in Mack, of course. I'd love to be able to tie the CunningScam to the CR Abramoff/Rove/Norquist triumverate of evil. (i know that the College Rupublicans are different to the Young Republicans - but apparently they shared office space - so they appear somewhat related)

apparently Mack knew a lot about stitching up elections - read this report by TalonNews (sic) about Mack's ascension to the YR chair in 2003:
" Michael Mack was narrowly elected the next chairman of the Young Republican National Federation (YRNF) on Saturday, defeating opposition candidate Mike Flory to move up one rank from his former position of national co-chairman.

Concerns about the integrity of the election process have been widespread since the convention began, however, and became especially pronounced after the official tally was announced. At the YR National Board Meeting on Sunday, Flory filed a complaint to investigate the charges. "
that's the benefit of great training, see. if you can win a YoungRepuglican election, surely you can trounce a democrat girly man, or manly girl at the national level. go read the whole Talon report to marvel at the legalistic and outright-fraud shenanigans.

and i'd be remiss if i didnt quote the guy who lost:
""I just want to make sure that the Republican Party still has a good image, that we always stand for rule of law," Flory told Talon News. "That's one of the things the President taught us in the 2000 election in Florida, and I'm following George W. Bush's example in that respect."
so, so, deluded.

we also know that Group W hired Alexander Strategy Group - lucky employers of DeLay's wife and daughter. and the GroupW executive jet entertained DeLay.

in other news, you might remember that a gay owner of a gay glub in san diego died last year - age 31 - and was denied a catholic wedding. aravosis kicked up a storm about it. it turns out that pornos were also filmed at Club Montage. the co-owner of that club is also our friend Michael Mack. I bet he loved that poblicity! what's a Young Republican doing dealing with drugs and sex? (update: i may be wrong. it appears that there are 2 Michael Macks in SD. details here)

given that news, also of interest will be 2 recent reports about cunningscam - one) that he is apparently gay (washblade) and 2) that Wilkes apparently had a 'sex-suite' in DC, according to Josh (channelling hotline) - altho others just call it a hotel suite with several bedrooms...

another curiosity is that Mack has worked for GroupW since at least jun04 jan 03, yet he was also Chairman of the YR's till at least jan05. Would the YR gig be full-time? (he also had the nightclubs as a (possible) source of income). as i mentioned, his GroupW connection only seems to appear on the internets when he is donating money on behalf of GroupW and the lobbyist registration claim that laura pointed to.

having said all that, i dont know what to make of it. michael mack has left remarkably light fingerprints on the web - just a bunch of donations to certain politicians and his bio at GroupW -
which is odd given that he spoke at the RNC and was chair of the YR's - and now he has turned up in the cunningham/mzm/adcs scandal.

just to be clear, GroupW (the 'lobbying' company) was apparently a front - just like all the other adcs companies. from a quick glance, it seems that nearly ALL of GroupsW's clients are internal ADCS companies - and of course they have been bribing cunningham and others - so why is another prominent repuglican on the gravy-train without appearing to do any work?


Anonymous said...

I recall that Michael D. Mack was a staffer in Rep. Bill Thomas' office in California prior to getting to Washington. Just before the Young Repug election, he claimed an endorsement from none other than Tom Delay, which was featured prominently on his website, something like (try - might bring it up along with his resume from the site.)

Anonymous said...

Here's a reference to the Tom DeLay "endorsement" from a June 13, 2003 Talon News article.
(If Talon News rings a bell, think Jim Guckert, ne Jeff Gannon.)

".... This was quickly followed by a press release announcing that Mack and Christman had received the endorsement of none other than House Majority Leader Tom DeLay.

The other side immediately challenged that contention by pointing out that DeLay's statement does not use the word "endorsement."

The full text of Delay's statement reads as follows:

"I support the Mack-Christman Team for the Young Republican National Federation. Michael Mack and Cari Christman bring the experience and vision needed to energize young professionals across this country. They will build and motivate clubs at the local and state level that will be instrumental in getting out our vote. The current national co-chair, Mack, has a proven record of the leadership, commitment and political skill that the YRNF requires."

Calls to DeLay's office revealed that the congressman's staff knew nothing about the endorsement. Later, it was discovered that while there was, in fact, no written statement of endorsement, the Majority Leader had verbally given his permission for the quote."

(You can find the article by doing a Google search of ther term "Mack-Christman" - click on the cached page as the site purged the article.)

PS: Mack became a member of the Capitol Hill Club around the time he ran for YRNF president in 2003. I remember this because I remember a perturbed Young Repug discussing it.

From their site, "Membership in the Capitol Hill Club is by invitation only. No person shall be considered for election to membership until proposed by a member and seconded by another member in writing, provided at least one of the two members is a voting member of the Club. Voting members include: Life, Resident, Resident Junior, Retired Resident."