Tuesday, December 13, 2005

a recovered post

i just found a draft post from a week ago in my draft folder. i must have forgot to post it. oh well. you'll note that the pieces about condi were spot on (this was before she left) - here is the post fwiw:

* Fox has a text box on the screen: "iran and nukes: is war inevitable?"
holy shit.

* john kerry: "“The President owes it to our troops serving in Iraq to remove Secretary Rumsfeld and replace him at the Pentagon with a Defense Secretary who understands the situation on the ground in Iraq and who will advance, not undermine, American values around the world." (link)

* a highlight from the serverlogs. someone in DC googled: "is it possible that bush and cheney can be impeached for the good of the american people and the world". sweet. and the coolest thing is that the hit came from Veterans Affairs :-)

* " BKSH and Stonebridge International recently launched a joint venture, Civitas Group LLC, which specializes in homeland security consulting. Joe Allbaugh and Jim Francis, one of Bush’s Texas Public Safety Commissioners, sit on the group’s advisory board." (link)
our friend joe of michael 'katrina' brown fame.

* DeLay's money laundering charge sticks, conspiracy charge dropped, (link)

* who wants to be condi rice this week? hopefully the rest of the world, including americans, will finally recognise that she is as evil and corrupt as the rest of them. i *hate* it that she has such high approval numbers. hopefully reality will come crushing in during the next week of public shame.

* "In less than six months, Cunningham went from saying “I feel very confident that I haven’t done anything wrong” on the house sale to pleading guilty to pocketing at least $2.4 million in bribes.
It just goes to show what an aggressive press can accomplish -- and how much we miss having one on the national level." (link)

* "For instance, MZM was granted a $5 million contract to be the sole provider of interpreters in Iraq. That’s troubling in any language." (link)

* steve cobble replicates my wtf re martial law: "Karl Rove & Martial Law?" (link)

* stirling re 911com: "Whitewashington at its finest. A panel gets together and white washes Bush's manifest incompetence and depraved indifference to American security, and crassly political use of 9/11 to back us into an illegal war, and then they are "disappointed" with the response. What they fuck did they think was going to happen? George Bush isn't some college student getting a warning for being a hair over the legal limit for DUI, he's the executive of the United States of America. They issue a get out of jail free card, and then are surprised when he shrugs like the narrator of Bohemian Rhapsody singing "nothing really matters to me." (link)

* Stuart Rothenberg at Roll Call is getting all nervous (on behalf of the dccc) about impeachpac. david swanson does a good job of disassembling the article. money quote:
"For the DCCC, the best tactic may well be to simply ignore the flap that will likely be created when the National Republican Congressional Committee and political reporters press DCCC bigwigs about Trupiano’s endorsement by ImpeachPAC...
Another veteran Democratic campaign professional agreed, saying, “If I were at the DCCC, I’d say let’s keep our heads down at least unless it becomes a story. Then we may have to deal with it."
that's the spirit!

1 comment:

REB 84 said...


The problem with impeachment is who do you impeach? The power grab and the Lies, Damn Lies, and Mis-Information go far deeper than the White House. Maybe our best hope lies in professional prosecutors like Patrick Fitzgerald.

I saw your post on Tony Trupiano's blog. I live in his district and applaud his efforts to bring more Truth into American politics. Please visit QuestionItNow - Blogs and share your views.

Blog On!

REB 84