Monday, December 19, 2005

spying on fitzgerald?

* i wonder if the egadministration has been spying on fitzgerald? the vnovak hail mary on fitzmas eve never made any sense - not least of all because luskin held onto the 'story' for so long. i wonder if they are spying on fitzgerald (and/or the GJ), and something that Fitz said (ostensibly in private) made luskin realise that fitz has a weak spot in his narrative... and hence luskin pulled the vnovak move...

* condi was on chris wallace and she said 'the war on terrorism' and then corrected herself and said 'the War on Terror' - apparently it's a Luntzian no-no to say 'the war on terrorism'. funny.

* " The record of the past few years shows that the FISA court has been extraordinarily persuadable by Administration arguments for domestic surveillance. What made Bush blow off FISA? Bill Clinton's explanation of getting blown comes to mind: "I did something for the worst possible reason. Just because I could." Now there's a Constitutional crisis for you." (link)

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