Thursday, January 26, 2006

another hour, another republican scandal

* redhedd: "The only area in which this Preznit has kept his word is the promises he made to the people who gave him campaign contributions and political support: those folks are being well taken care of by this Administration. Very well, indeed." (link)
she makes a good point. i usually assume that Blinky *always* lies. i was wrong, and regret the error.

* "The Texas prosecutor targeting Rep. Tom DeLay has issued a second round of subpoenas to businessmen here seeking records surrounding donations to the former Republican leader and disgraced former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham... involving PerfectWave Technologies LLC, a company controlled by Brent Wilkes, a businessman with ties to DeLay and Cunningham." (link)
max gelwix is toast - i can't wait till they start looking into GroupW and Joel Combs.

* incidentally, josh says "Some time ago, a source close to the case, informed me that Wade began cooperating with investigators at an early point in the investigation."
i wonder when 'early' was.

* our resident moonietimes guru, joe cannon, tries to unravel why the Moonster is pushing the impeachment story.

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