Thursday, January 19, 2006

Bush, Cheney: Resign Now

* clemons: " Bush's model of government is sending out disastrous signals to potential democratic change agents around the world -- teaching them that checks and balances can easily be up-ended and ignored. This is not the kind of foreign policy leadership that any realist or liberal internationalist can support." (link)

* Dave Johnson: "If Bush really believes that Iran is a threat to the United States he should do the right thing to prove his sincerity and protect the country. He should say, "I understand that following the mistaken invasion of Iraq my credibility is an obstacle, but we face a terrible threat from Iran developing nuclear weapons. For this reason, and as a gesture of my sincerity when I say that we must deal with this threat I am announcing tonite that I resign the office of President of the United States."" (link)

* "(Harry Reid ) said that he was meeting today with the Democratic caucus to see if there are 41 Senators willing to say no to Alito -- and really say no (meaning a filibuster). He indicated that there was only a 50/50 chance that there were 41 Senators and sounded doubtful." (link)

* "This week, Ms. Miller told an audience in Florida that The Times spent $1.7 million on her legal defense" (link)

* btw - the other day i wondered how/why plame outed herself to wilson on their third date (and why the wingersphere doesn't love that story). the ever-helpful Mike offers this:
I believe in Wilson's book, the Politics of Truth, he provides an explanation. He had the proper security clearance for her to reveal her identitiy and I believe (but don't quote me on this) she had obtained permission from her boss to reveal her true employment.
i haven't read wilson's book (gasp!) so i'll take Mike's suggestion at face value (although i'm still surprised the wingers have torn that argument to shreds)

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