Thursday, January 19, 2006

lehrer: impeach bush?

* is social security still in a crisis?

* i've never believed the Tenet/SlamDunk story. now we learn that Tenet has signed a book deal: "The book will also provide "the real context of Tenet's own now-famous slam-dunk comment" about Saddam Hussein's suspected prewar weapon of mass destruction cache" (link)
(not that i hold tenet in any esteem)

* "(British) Peers have dealt a devastating blow to the Government's proposed anti-terror laws, throwing out plans to create a new offence of "glorifying" terrorism." (link)
old europe, teaching the newbies a lesson in democracy.

* "Bush nominates Grover Norquist's brother David to be new Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Homeland Security." (link)
i'm still hopeful that grover will get sucked into rove-gate

* "Having suffered a heart attack back in September, Allen had asked prison authorities to let him die if he went into cardiac arrest before his execution, a request prison officials said they would not honor.
"At no point are we not going to value the sanctity of life," said prison spokesman Vernell Crittendon. "We would resuscitate him," then execute him." (link)

* driftglass: "The Preznit violating the law and his oath of office like he was going for the High Crime land-speed record? As if abuse of power was a drinking game where he gets to do a shot of Dewars every time he blows a hole in the Constitution?"

* driftglass on his favourite enemy, Moderate Repuglicans: "A dead Center where critters like Andrew Sullivan, Tom Friedman and David Brooks camp out and hobble hither and thither to find some fake “other side” of every fucking thing from Creationism to bestowing monarchical powers on George W. Bush. Who have debased themselves into useless, human difference engines that reflexively infuse their editorial tintures with one part rat poison and and one part wine, divide the brew by two, and declare whatever half-toxic slurry that they have left over to automatically be the “Reasonable Middle”."

* harry reid was on lehrer - interestingly, one of the first things he mentioned was the nearly-forgotten david safavian.

* out of the blue, lehrer asked reid about impeachment!!! omfg.

* when will we hear from fitzgerald again?

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