"Jack Abramoff's partner Mike Scanlon admitted to digging up former Congressman Robert Livingston's private life. Set to become speaker, Livingston then got sidelined for Tom DeLay's man Denis Hastert. Prosecutors now checking if Abramoff and Scanlon took Livingston down at DeLay's behest."This is most odd for a variety of reasons. As Laura noted, it's difficult to see where any conceivable criminality might exist.
At the time, I asked:
"my question is under what circumstances did Scanlon 'admit' it? was he asked about it by prosecutors? why on earth would they do that? or did scanlon offer it up all by himself? and if so, why?"Adam's scoop seems to have two distinct elements - a) Scanlon admitted it, and b) the prosecutor is 'checking if Abramoff and Scanlon took Livingston down at DeLay's behest'.
Did Scanlon cough up the info on his own as part of his attempt to negotiate a deal? or were prosecutors already probing the issue? If it is the former, then Scanlon presumably coughed up 3 pieces of information: 1) that he looked into Livingston's 'Teh Sex' life 2) that there is something amiss (legally) about what happened, and 3) at whose behest.
If it was the latter (that prosecuters were probing a reluctant Scanlon about the issue) - then it's conceivable that he 'admitted' his involvement (perhaps given proof of some sort), but not admitted who was the client - which would explain why the prosecutors are still looking into it (and we also have to assume some criminality).
Why would the prosecutors be looking at DeLay? Either because Scanlon is squealing, or perhaps because his ex-fiance knows something...