Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Mahmood Ahmed, Grossman.

* Sibel mentioned that i was right to link Paksitan's Lieutenant General of the ISI, Mahmood Ahmed with Grossman.

Mahmood is famous for:
a) giving $100k to Atta just prior to 911
b) hanging out on 9/11 with Grossman, Bob Graham and Porter Goss. He was also with Tenet in the prior week and Armitage, Mullah Omar and others in the subsequent week)

Mahmood was fired in Oct01 after the americans got snooty that Pakistan Intelligence was in the biz of financing mass murder on american soil. He wasn't arrested and is now in private business, with government sanction/support (link).

see wikipedia , and here for the Center for Cooperative Research

1 comment:

Miguel said...

Sibel was asked directly about the supposed transfer of money from ISI in May 2004 by Jim Hogue- a Vermont radio personality:

Hogue: Let me read you a short quote from Dr. Griffin's book, quoting from War and Globalization: The Truth Behind September 11 by Michel Chossudovsky and ask you to comment on it. "...The transfer of money to Atta [$325,000], in conjunction with the presence of the ISI chief in Washington during the week, [is] the missing link behind 9/11....The evidence confirms that al-Qaeda is supported by Pakistan's ISI (and it is amply documented that) the ISI owes its existence to the CIA."

SE: I cannot comment on that. But I can tell that once, and if, and when this issue gets to be, under real terms, investigated, you will be seeing certain people that we know from this country standing trial; and they will be prosecuted criminally.