Saturday, January 07, 2006

'we hate zarqawi'

* KagroX is going mad over at dkos getting an 'impeachment project' up and going. (link)

* re the Duke wearing a wire, someone over at TPMcafe asked: " If Abramoff was cooperating with authorities for 18 months before his plea deal, did he wear a wire anytime in those 18 months?"
that's a pretty good question.

* "A secret Pentagon study has found that at least 80 percent of the marines who have been killed in Iraq from wounds to their upper body could have survived if they had extra body armor. That armor has been available since 2003 but until recently the Pentagon has largely declined to supply it to troops despite calls from the field for additional protection, according to military officials." (link)
and they hid it for 2 years. a lot of people are gonna be unhappy. go read the article so that you can understand their incompetence/folly in full. will we learn that Gordon McGilton donated heavily to the Duke?

* timely, from the beeb: "The security chief at Kabul airport has accused Afghan officials of colluding with drug smugglers and ordering the release of arrested suspects."

* and the beeb obits the only war hero that i know. a sad moment. i saw him interviewed on the beeb's terrific "hardtalk" in the last 12 months. a true hero.

* iraq is a nightmare. i'm so worried.

* how's this for a Lincoln Group special: "Another group of people beat a doctor in the hospital after he told an Iraqi journalist that U.S. forces were to blame for the attacks." except it's in the wapo (note the journos: Nelson Hernandez and Saad Sarhan. i dont know them, yet.)
the 'story' is about locals defecting from 'zarqawi'. i'm tempted to try to predict how many similar articles we'll see in the next month. i don't think i can count that far...

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