Friday, February 03, 2006

Boehner won!

Boehner won! The House will now be squeaky clean. get to it google-monkeys. Let's get Boehner indicted by Valentine's Day. Here's your starting point.

Incidentally, the votes had to be recast because they were all cheating.

This from Josh :
"No honor among vote scammers!

This is actually kinda funny. Rich Lowry just filed this little squib at the Corner. "More ballots cast [on the House leadership vote] than there are members. Re-voting now...."

Roll Call has it too: "House Republicans are taking a mulligan on the first ballot for Majority Leader. The first count showed more votes cast than Republicans present at the Conference meeting."

Says TPM Reader JP: "This is priceless. They try to steal their own elections!"

TPM Reader JW is even more biting: "That's right, the Repubs are so corrupt they can't even hold an honest INTERNAL election..."

TPM Reader JM has a constructive suggestion: "Shouldn't Jimmy Carter have monitored the GOP vote?""

josh has more here and here

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