Friday, February 03, 2006

punish Joe Wilson by outing his wife

* "The whole idea that there was a plot to punish Joe Wilson by outing his wife, is the real fantasy here. Libby (and Rove and Cheney) have been around long enough that, even if this far-fetched plot was cooked up, the leak would be so laundered through so many people, there would be no way in hell to trace it back to the source. To imply that Libby was "shopping" the leak directly to hostile reporters (and when it comes to keeping juicy secrets they are all hostile) would be strong support for an insanity plea." (link)

* "We are where we are today for lack of having drawn a line at Watergate, then again at Iran-Contra. The same perpetrators -- and in many cases they really are the very same perpetrators -- are back for a third bite at the apple, and will be back for a fourth if they don't get what's coming to them. Remember, impeachment isn't just for presidents." (link)

* "The New York Times reports today that the Administration is refusing to disclose numerous Justice Department documents relating to the legal "justification" for eavesdropping outside of FISA – likely because those documents reveal that numerous high-level Justice Department lawyers believed the program to be illegal and because the original justifications for the program bear no resemblance to, and even likely contradict, the rationale being peddled by the Administration now." (via glenn)

* mydd has another poll release out (link)

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