Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cheney brain trust

* emptywheel has another awesome post - this one about Barbara Comstock - the flave du jour of Left Blogistan.

* "Ohio coin dealer and Republican money man Tom Noe has been indicted on 53 state felony counts of theft, corruption and money laundering alleging he stole "from a state-run investment fund for injured workers." He pleaded not guilty this morning." (link)

* KoZ on Larisa's Plame story: "In other words, the Cheney brain trust saw the chance to promote a war against an enemy who posed no threat by undermining our ability to deal with one who did (and does) -- so naturally, they jumped on the opportunity. It's rather like missing the quail because you had the shotgun barrel in your own mouth." (link)

* Digby: "Joementum Dems, on the other hand, need to recognize that we are in a partisan time and that requires a partisan strategy. We are going to hit them hard every time they repeat Republican talking points and otherwise enable the opposition to dominate the media discourse. There is no more room for bipartisan gestures that only benefit the GOP side of the equation. David Gergen said yesterday on This Weak that Republicans are much better at message than Democrats but they aren't so good at governing. "

* digby: "McClellan said that he knew about the shooting the evening it happened but didn't know until the next morning that it was Cheney. Asssuming he's telling the truth, I think it's fair to assume that they spent about 12 hours deciding whether Cheney or "someone else" actually fired the gun. I can't think of any other (believable) reason they would have waited --- unless there's even more to this story than we already know."

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