Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Driftglass makes a chicken/egg joke

* jane: "Reporters need to remember that this administration is conducting a witch hunt for James Risen today and it could be them tomorrow. If they value their ability to do their jobs with any integrity they will hold the White House accountable and realize the public has its teeth in this one, it's not "just another 24 hour story.""

* driftglass: "Cheney: The quail drew first blood, not me."
go read the rest - but i'll give you another snippet: "When asked by reporters how he could be so “completely full of shit and still draw breath”, McClellan replied, “Why do you hate America?”"

* and please don't miss Driftglass' piece on what happened in the minutes before Cheney shot the innocent man. not least because Driftglass actually makes a chicken/egg joke that made me laugh out loud - that's some pretty good work.

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