* Preznit Blinky speaks: "Now, when you hear people say coal, it causes people to shudder, because coal -- it's hard to burn it."
* "A triumphant Mr Blair claimed the government had won the argument. He said: "The new law will mean that if people are going to start celebrating acts of terrorism or condoning people who engage in terrorism, they will be prosecuted, and if they do not come from this country, they should not be in this country. We have free speech in this country, but you cannot abuse it."" (link)
you cant yell fire in a crowded fire truck
Shirley Phelps-Roper, a daughter of Fred Phelps and an attorney for the Topeka, Kansas-based church, said neither state laws nor the Patriot Guard can silence their message that God killed the soldiers because they fought for a country that embraces homosexuals.wtf? "An IED is just a broken-up sword"? - that's some seriously unstrict biblical constructionism.
"The scriptures are crystal clear that when God sets out to punish a nation, it is with the sword. An IED is just a broken-up sword," Phelps-Roper said. "Since that is his weapon of choice, our forum of choice has got to be a dead soldier's funeral."" (link)
actually - maybe thats just a typo, perhaps she meant to say "an IED is just a broken-up WORD" - aka Improvised Explosive Device.
Similarly, perhaps the bible is actually the sWord of God...
(go read the article, it's pretty funny)
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