Wednesday, February 22, 2006

ricin plots and other lies

* the lawsuit against the EPA for lying about air-quality after 911 is proceeding. how 'funny' would it be if more people died because of those lies than alqaida... (link)

* Tchris at Talkleft: "By the way, did (Frist) have a chance to diagnose Harry Whittington based on photographs of his buckshot-riddled face?"
(btw - i love talkleft, but the comment trolls over there often drive me batty)

* Eli: "Putting some numbers to Condi's lies, this tonight from ABC News: before the U.S. invasion, 13 million Iraqis had access to clean drinking water. Today, the figure is 8 million -- a 40 percent drop.
But for really dramatic numbers there's the figure for the numbers of hours per day that electricity is available to Baghdad residents. Before the invasion - 18 hours. Now? Four hours. Four hours a day of electricity."

* Preznit Blinky speaks: "There's -- issues come, they go, and they -- but I hope that when it's all said and done, people see me as a strategic thinker.""
strategic blinker. when all is said and done, i hope people see him in orange.

* The Independent has a big story on Blair et al lying about terror threats in the UK - particularly the *disgraceful* ricin nonsense that ive ranted about repeatedly:
"Conclusion: This collapse in trust has come about because few people now believe what the Prime Minister, the security services and the police tell us about security matters. This dissonance is a massive problem. Britain today faces a threat from international and domestic terrorism which is far more dangerous and insidious than anything it has confronted before. We need to trust our politicians, our police, and the media. But that trust has been betrayed."

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