Tuesday, March 21, 2006

911 & Religion

* some good points/questions from Noise:
"How have they gotten the mainstream media and the political establishment to toe the line? Several books and the Internet have exposed the official 9/11 story and the 9/11 commission report.
i think there are two dynamics invovled - the first is the military/industrial/ media/ congress complex where their interests are all aligned. the second is the "you can't handle the truth!" phenomenon. read this amazing piece by tucker carlson after he had steven jones on his show.
2 quotes stick out:
" Talking about 9-11 is a lot like discussing someone else's religion: You can do it, but you've got to tread carefully. Most of the time, it's best to stick to platitudes and move on..."
"If you really thought this - or even considered it a possibility - how could you continue to live here? You couldn't. You'd leave the United States on the next available flight and not come back. You'd have no choice."

Noise, again:
ie...many people who have issues with the Iraq invasion/occupation, Diebold, torture, illegal wiretapping and the Patriot Act...refuse to take one more step and question the FOUNDATION of all these sick policies. 9/11 and the WoT.
indeed. in fact, you can go back before 911 and they actually wrote the blueprints for what we've seen - the feith/perle/wurmser documents ("A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm") and the PNAC documents. The PatriotAct of course was ready to be signed on 911...

More Noise:
And just to clarify my point..., why has the Bush administration's strategy of tension worked for so long? Their propaganda is not that good. It's easy to see through.
It's really the million dollar question, huh? Propaganda has two elements: a) the story b) the megaphone c) repeat, repeat. the 'story' is only about 5% of the game - so the fact that 'it's easy to see through' is almost beside the point. consider, for example, that 80% of amgrunts in iraq think that saddam 'did' 911. in 2006. to be 'fair' to the egadministration - they are almost telling the truth when they claim that they never said that he did. ergo, their propaganda is actually very, very good.

lets take another look at Tucker Carlson - for example. let's presume that he is being honest, for the sake of the argument. - watch him tie himself in knots:
"Ponder that for a second: The U.S. government killed more than 3,000 of its own citizens. For no obvious reason. Then lied about it. Then invaded two other countries, killing thousands of their citizens as punishment for a crime they didn't commit.

If you really thought this - or even considered it a possibility - how could you continue to live here? You couldn't. You'd leave the United States on the next available flight and not come back. You'd have no choice. Continuing to pay taxes to a government capable of something so evil would make you complicit in the crime."
He is saying that the US invaded Iraq for 911 - and that he considers it evil to pay the government to kill innocent people. Even if you assume that OBL 'did' 911, Carlson is living the lie that he pretends to dismiss - in fact, he calls this behavior " phony and irresponsible". We all know that the USG lied to invade iraq - which has killed 3000 americans and nearly 200,000 iraqis. By his own criteria, he should "leave the United States on the next available flight and not come back".

but he doesnt.


Track said...

Carlson is such a jackass. After the interview with Professor Jones, I wonder if Carlson reflected on the odd exchange he had with W concerning Karla Tucker's pending execution.

I truly despise the US media.

Carlson: The U.S. government killed more than 3,000 of its own citizens. For no obvious reason.

Tell me about it. I haven't seen anyone benefit from the WoT.

Anonymous said...

The most powerful social factor is social identity. People will believe any lie, discard any principle, so long as they belong. If you know you are going to lose your $200th job for talking about 9/11 then you will quickly decide that someone else can have the principles, someone else can stand up.

Make no mistake about it, cultural revision will work overtime to ensure that the Bobo's of this world will come out unscathed (who could possibly of thunk it?) What's more, those who stand up on 9/11, Iraq - anything, in fact - will still be excoriated because - hey, we still need to punish someone for the screwup, so why not the noisy messenger. Unfortunately, the only principles most people fight for are the right to feel good about themselves and the right never to be rejected. Anything else is fair game.

Those who speak the truth have to do it for for personal reasons. That's ok.

Iraq, 9/11, the failures of the Bush admin - whatever public resolutions these obtain they are almost certain not to match the real events. Particular lies will be tolerated, as a public necessity. The way of the world.