Thursday, March 16, 2006

"al Qaeda is poised to try to strike"

* via miguel comes this from Doug Farah:
"Is Al Qaeda Signaling a New Attack?

The level of “chatter” by al Qaeda operatives is currently as high or higher than in the months prior to 9-11, and the question in many parts of the U.S. and European intelligence communities is not if al Qaeda will strike again, but when. Much of the thinking centers on the near-term. This is also reflected in current corporate security alerts being circulated among elite business establishments.

There are several factors that point to al Qaeda at least having a plan for an imminent attack. The first is the January appearance of Osama bin Laden himself after months of silence. The second is the repeated warnings and boasts from bin Laden, Zawahiri and on al Qaeda web sites of impending action.


One corporate risk analysis group reported something else of interest: A March 10 posting on al-Hesbah website, known for posting al Qaeda messages, carried a message from the Global Islamic Media Front. The message gives a final warning to the United States before carrying out what it said would be two devastating attacks. The second attack would not be launched until after Washington had time to respond to the first one, the message said.


Al Qaeda’s MO has been to make each succeeding attack more powerful and destructive than the previous one. This has given rise to growing concern that al Qaeda has the wherewithall to carry out a chemical attack or dirty bomb attack. Much of the current al Qaeda threat seems aimed at economic infrastructure, realizing a crippling economic blow would make it more difficult for the United States to continue to support the “apostate” regimes of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and elsewhere.

The signs are there that al Qaeda is poised to try to strike. It is not clear they will be successful."
fwiw - doug was a WaPo reporter. i first stumbled across him just last weekend. he's done a bunch of work re Viktor Bout. he seems to get a lot of respect - but this just sounds like a lot of nonsense to me - it sounds like something joeseph farrah would (and often has) write - although it'd be a great 'excuse' to attack iran...


Miguel said...

In defense of Douglas Farah, he is the only journalist who, in 1996, refused to pile up on Garry Webb on the Contra/Cocaine story, and actually wrote a story that basically confirmed much of Webb's research. I've emailed him in the past, he's a good guy, and I have no doubt he got some of his info from Michael Scheuer.

I hope he is wrong.

Anonymous said...

yeah - i'm sure he is great - but this latest just reads silly to me

Track said...

I've kept up with these "planting terror seeds" trends so much that I even read the fearmongering book The Al Qaeda Connection by Paul Williams. And I will confess this book was heavily promoted by WND's Joseph Farah.

It's worrisome because IMO these memes are planted to condition the public for false flag terror attacks. Goldstein doesn't like our freedoms and for some reason our leader's 36% approval rating makes him want to attack us.

Anonymous said...

ya know, i'm almost of the opinion that we are *finally* at a point where a terror attack, false flag or otherwise, would be bad for the president.

people dont trust him to protect them, they dont trust him to be able to respond to an emergency (katrina), and they cant trust him to respoind appropriately (OBL, iraq)

whether that means anything once the dictator switch has been flipped, i dont know...

one thing about which i have no doubt, is that they'll do whatever they can to hold onto power, and the worse he looks, the more dangerous things become.

Anonymous said...

This perhaps coincides with the recent theory that the Sears Tower in Chicago is ripe for a terrorist attack on June 6th. Just like 9/11 was a "numbers game" with the date, etc., such an attack would also be a "numbers game, where the address of the Sears tower zipcode wise is 60606. The date would be 06/06/06, and of course the number 666 has satanic references itself.

The London attacks earlier were on 7/7/2005 -> 7/7/2 + 5 = 7/7/7 = 777.

Add another 333 days and you get 06/06/06.

For more of this numerology go to:

Anonymous said...


June 6th is also a Tuesday. Best day to publicize terror if you want to catch the full news cycle.

And of course so was 9/11, and the day the anthrax letters first surfaced.

lukery said...

calipendence - i always thought that numerology stuff was probably bunk - although i've still thought the dates were somewhat significant.

my guess is that the 911 thing wasnt an accident (as per 'dial 911') - although i'm confused by why frank luntz demands that it is called "september the eleventh, two thousand and one"

i also think that 7/7 was possibly chosen for shorthand reasons - and yep 6/6 would be the same...

god help us all