Thursday, March 16, 2006

idiot carl cameron

* idiot carl cameron on BritHume, describing NormColeman's call for new blood in the whitehouse: 'there have been some issues about the handling of katrina, explanations of iraq, and the ports issue'.
yeah - that's the problem with iraq - not enough explaining. sheesh

* carl cameron describing the Claude Allen problem (in entirety): "he took items off store shelves and tried to get refunds for the items"
that's called either theft or stealing, not 'taking'.

* brithume did a segment suggesting that Feingold's censure gig was an 'impeachment ruse' - based on some WSJ article. why is it that the rightwingers are so desperate to get ahead of the impeachment thing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's been an interesting bit of editorial work at HuffPo. About 2 or 3 days ago they ran a piece announcing that some airline was incorporating technology so that soon passengers would be able to make cell phone calls while in flight. I gleefully scanned the 20 comments and, sure enough, there were all the 911 critics pointing out that cell phone calls from planes had ALREADY taken place on 911 (one of them from 35,000 feet travelling at 500 mph!). There were even links in the comments to the AK Dewdney experiment showing that cell phones calls above 8,000 feet have a next to zero chance of getting through, zip chance to be sustained for several minutes. All good clean conspiratorial fun.

So it is an interesting aside that 2 days later the story is no longer on the front page of Huffpo - nor anywhere in the archives. (Only one article was in the archives - a brief story on text messaging dated September 20, 2005 with no comments.)

This is fun. Apparently cell phones will NEVER be used on commercial airliners because it raises too many questions.

I might be wrong, but I don't think so. Anyone else see it?