Friday, March 10, 2006

The Beltway Boys

* blogometer inteviewed pamela of atlas shrugged: "
What is your occupation?
I am the former publisher of The New York Observer

When did you start blogging and why?
The short answer, it's the end of the world as we know it. And the complacency and diversionary media's antics post 9/11 border on sedition. I finally started blogging a year ago out of sheer frustration with the lack of veracity -- intellectual honesty -- in the media at this most grave moment is history. The dearth-of-objective-news vacuum was huge and the Blogosphere came to my intellectual rescue and IMHO the rescue of the free world. Posting to Little Green Footballs just wasn't enough. I wanted to do something, Effect change.
The media and the all news cable channels continue to abdicate their role as responsible disseminators of information, they avoid the most serious issues of the day, sedating a willing American public into this false sense of security. Their opinion (generally leftist) has replaced the news. There are a great many people in America that have been reeducated to believe that 9/11 was a couple of guys that got lucky. This, in spite of the wild rhetoric, daily terror and acts of war perpetuated by Radical Islam across the world. If anything Bush is a victim of his own success, protecting us as well as he has.

Who is your favorite political blogger?
Little Green Footballs. Hands down. When the history books are written, Charles Johnson will surely go down as a great American that made a critical difference between victory and defeat. His role has been largely ignored but so what? Most of the greats are ignored in their time. Van Gogh was ignored in his time too..."

What is your favorite television news program, either network or cable?
"The Beltway Boys," that Fred Barnes rocks, is such a stud.


(ftr, i was joking when i said that beltways boys and brithume were my favourite shows - although i do try to watch them when i'm feeling strong.)


Anonymous said...


Today in America, would it be politically incorrect to describe Pamela as a fanatical lunatic Zionist?

I know five years ago it wouldn't have been kosher to discuss Zionism in American politics, especially the brand Pamela and others have added to our political discourse. Isn't it about time we had this debate in America? I think the time is right.

I mean....fanatical Zionism is starting to concern me more then radical Islamism.

Just asking.

Anonymous said...

i must admit - i never hang out with the wingnuts - so i dont even bother hating them - i guess thats why it was an eyeopener for me

anon - good question - i'' promote it to a post. thnx

Anonymous said...

You know, she's got a point... the media IS abdicating their responsibility.

If you just replace her accusations of media bias with "rightist" instead of "leftist" and "radical neoconservatives" instead of "radical Islamists," I'd say she's pretty much got it spot on. :)

BTW, the reason she started blogging is simple. She's an intellectual whore. She used to turn Republican tricks in print for money, now she just does it on the internet for money. You know, cuts down on her overhead. Also is a better ROI for her pimps.

Anonymous said...

viget - i hope she gets some kinky 'i'm a bad, bad girl' pleasure out of her whoring...

is the Observer bad? i dont read it much - but it often seems reasonable