Saturday, March 11, 2006

classic male authority figure'

* bradblog continues his awesome work on election fraud - for example a candidate voted for himself and the vote flipped. 3 indictments re the ohio 'recount'. MD dumps diebold unanimously, and much more.

* some comments on my comments on comments post - there were some good comments on that post - and i've updated that post a bit. it seems that there is some reason to believe that maybe Turkey has been acquiring some nuclear technology, or at least some turkish people - although i'm not sure whether it is to create a nuke program, or just the regular black-market trading. and miguel makes a great catch re PTECH - an 'expert' quoted in the piece is a FoP (friend of Perle). and miguel pours some water on my speculation that perhaps Robert Wright was involved in the 'blueprints' saga.

* hilite from the server log: someone in britain searched for "Can yuo give me please evidence that there were fear at the time of Blitz on the British people?" - nice to see that the Brits are so polite to search engines.

* yesterday froomkin asked for some input in how redvoters perceive strongman Preznit Blinky. results here. a coupla hilights:
""Here in Tennessee there's plenty of people with steam coming out their ears over Bush's power grabs. Maybe if he could make the trains run on time people would be happier with it, but, really, he looks more and more like a bumbling fool who can't reliably get his pants on each morning. Is that really the dictator of choice for anybody, red state or blue?""
"The majority of people here in red state farming parts of Colorado seem to want very much to live under a classic male authority figure of some type like they find in religion, be it a priest or minister or pastor or father or traditional God, and they readily submit and bend their own thinking powers to that authority figure.""
'classic male authority figure'? like priests? jeebus.

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