Friday, March 10, 2006

comments on comments

catching up on some comments:

* damien just reminded me of a comment he made last week - i thought i'd posted it but apparently not (so thnx for the reminder): "Just on the UAE deal - why aren't people panicking about Ptech?" - there's some seriously weird shit going on with al-Qadi (update: miguel notes that one of the 'experts' quoted in the ptech article works with Richard Perle. Damien adds some more) Robert Wright was on his tail. I have previously wondered whether Wright was the guy who sent the 'blueprints and composites' back to Sibel for retranslating - and whether al-Qadi was the target of that wiretap... (update: miguel in the comments notes that the blueprints et al came from "suspects in the State of Nevada")

* in response to my post on the grey wolves and bin laden, miguel writes: "I really hope we can link these extreme right-wing groups in Turkey, Italy and around the world to Bin Laden. Then it will clarify the fight we're engaged in- the battle against fascism, be it religious or secular fascism. One journalist wrote an article entitled "Sibel Edmonds Fights Fascism". Perhaps he was right."
perhaps indeed. i can even go one better - i spent the day looking into Ledeen's BFF Francesco Pazienza - according to this:
"...Italian fascist and U.S. intelligence asset Francesco Pazienza’s role as an apparent operative involved with the manipulation of convicted would-be assassin Mehmet Ali Agca, a member of the Grey Wolves (the youth wing of a Turkish fascist and nationalist party) appears to have been coached by elements of Western intelligence to falsely implicate the Bulgarians and their Soviet sponsors in the shooting of the Pope. These same Western intelligence elements appear to have arranged the actual assassination attempt"
Agca is actually the guy who shot the pope.

* re my post on Turkey outragelessly embarking on a nuke program, miguel writes:
"This is significant since a lot of Sibel's charges have to do with Turkish nationals paying cash for U.S. nuclear secrets. For the most part, the assumption is that these nuclear secrets have gone to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and to the extent such an organization exists, al-Qaeda.

But was part of the motive of the Turkish nationals in bribing people like Perle and Feith to help their home country, Turkey, ramp up its own weapons program?"
good question - a lot of the same people are involved - but at first glance, i'd say 'no' - we havent seen any evidence that turkey has a clandestine nuke program - tho i wouldn't be surprised - and i'm not sure that i'm aware that 'Sibel's charges have to do with Turkish nationals paying cash for U.S. nuclear secrets' (update: miguel in the comments says that he heard this from Ellsberg after he met with Sibel. Also, Noise points to this article which says "There is reason to believe... that (Neocon's) long-term planning, in which Turkey’s consent to the aggression is a necessary part, has involved a deliberate transfer of nuclear weapons technology to Turkey as a part of the pay-off.")

* the conversation about Judy Woods' claims about wtc explosives and gravity (stuff accelerates at 9.8 meters per second per second) continues over here


Miguel said...

"and i'm not sure that i'm aware that 'Sibel's charges have to do with Turkish nationals paying cash for U.S. nuclear secrets'"

I heard Dan Ellsberg say that in a KPFA interview shortly after the VF article broke (he had just gotten back from a meeting with Sibel). but it is now confirmed by the BradBlog post about Sibel:
"Information omitted & covered up regarding nuclear related information illegally obtained by certain foreign entities and US persons (government officials) from several US labs being sold to a certain Middle-Eastern group in the United States in 1998-2000"

Also, I don't know if it would have been Robert Wright who would have turned over the skyscraper blueprint stuff to Sibel. The Bradblog entry clearly identifies the blueprints as being sent from the state of Nevada, which I believe was out of Wright's jurisdiction.

Track said...

But not only is this planned aggression unconnected to any actual concern over Iranian nuclear weapons. There is in fact some reason to think that the preparations for it have involved deliberate violations by the Bush neo-conservatives of anti-proliferation protocols (and also, necessarily, of U.S. law), and that their long-term planning, in which Turkey’s consent to the aggression is a necessary part, has involved a deliberate transfer of nuclear weapons technology to Turkey as a part of the pay-off. Link

I've read some other stuff (Al Martin comes to mind) that suggets the Oil Bourse theory is bogus. Whatever the motive, the neocons sure seem poised to attack Iran, which could very well lead to WWIII.

Miguel said...

One interesting thing about the PTech article, is that it quotes a Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, who is a conservative academic who is an expert on the al Qaeda-drug trade connection. However, we might want to take her advice with a grain of salt. Look who sits on the advisory board of her organization, the American Center for Democracy.

I'll give you a hint: look at the 3rd guy from the top.

Anonymous said...

Miguel - re the American Center for Democracy. Major General Paul E. Vallely, USA (Ret.) also has some impressive credentials that would make you think twice.

Noise - Thanks for the link on Iran. Engdahl at the Asia Times has a couple of interesting articles on this (link)(link)

Anonymous said...

u guys are the greatest. i've updated the post as appropriate

Anonymous said...

noise - yeah - i agree that the Bourse story is bogus.

Anonymous said...

My first interest in Ptech article was to note that people were jumping up and down about the UAE Ports deal when the Islamic funded company Ptech had its fingers in every piece of US management and defense software and that the principals had close ties to the Bush admin, and to terrorist funding. So the Ports upset seemed minor in this context.

My second interest was that Ptech is 911 related (which doesn't show up in the article). I'm including it here because the details may be unfamiliar to many. Here's one curiosity most people don't know:

Flight 11 crashed into the north WTC tower about 8:48 am. Yet it's radar blip persisted right up until 9:20 when it disappeared from the FAA radar screens. The 911 Commission actually confirms this, but provides no explanation.

There has never been an adequate explanation for the failure of NORAD on 911 to intercept the hijackers. One suspicion is that the many war games on that day included extensive FAA radar injects (simulated planes, including - it is alleged by Mike Ruppert - multiple hijacked commercial airliners). The claim is that these injects confused NORAD thus limiting the fighter plane responses.

Now, NORAD supposedly services the FAA radar system which, allegedly,uses some sophisticated Ptech software called PROMIS - this is termed enterprise architecture software. Now, I'm not sure what that means, but supposedly it allows for real-time interactive programming with the FAA software. Some 911 critics claim this software was used by the perpetrators of 911 to control what radar operators saw on their screens and so to confuse NORAD.

One proponent of this is Indira Singh, a programmer who worked for JP Morgan banking. She had been seeking to develop for them a kind of software that could identify illegal credit card and banking transactions in a real-time setting that would take appropriate remedial action in response.

She found that the software she was looking for was PROMIS, that it had been developed by Ptech, that this was allegedly a CIA front company, and that the Ptech principals - as the article points out - had close ties to the Bush admin and were terrorist financiers.

The Treasury Dept had been conducting a terrorist funding investigation of Ptech called Operation Greenquest, raiding them on Dec 6, 2002. On that same day the Bush admin gave Ptech a clean bill of health, announcing they had no concerns about them.

Singh also reports on some very frightened former employees of Ptech who told her "you don’t know who you’re dealing with."

Plenty of tin foil here for everybody. Go google. (link) (link) (link)