Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The crackdown on leaks

* "Yesterday my sister Cindy Sheehan was arrested outside of the U.S. mission to the United Nations. A contingent of Women which included Cindy, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin, Missy Beattie a GSFP member whose Nephew Chase Comley was killed in Iraq and eight Iraqi women were attempting to deliver the Women Say no to War petition to the U.S. mission. This visit was pre approved by the mission. As the women arrived one of New York’s finest “cited a change of plans from “higher up” and moved in to arrest them. Four of the women, Cindy, Medea, Missy and code pink member Patti Ackerman were handled very roughly during their arrest. The women linked arms when it became apparent they were to be arrested. For this they were physically abused and charged with resisting arrest." (link)

* josh notes that in April 04, Wade set up a now-dissolved group called the "Iranian Democratization Foundation"

* the crackdown on journos is heating up - let's hope they don't all end up on espionage charges. Here's an article from the FT (via miguel): "The crackdown on leaks, (Thomas Blanton, director of the National Security Archive) said, was a result of White House anger that mid-level officials were “in open revolt” against policies. “The top officials can’t tell the real secrets from the embarrassments, and they are reacting to the embarrassments,” he said. “It destroys the credibility we need to maintain the real secrets.”"
let's hope the revolt becomes more open.

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