Friday, March 24, 2006

Driftglass: Best writing

The 2005 Koufax Awards Finalists: Best Writing

Michael Berube Online

By Neddie Jingo

Courting Destiny

Creek Running North: Chris Clarke


Firedoglake: ReddHedd

Hullabaloo: Digby

I Blame the Patriarchy: Twisty Faster

Majikthise: Lindsay Beyerstein

Suburban Guerrilla: Susie Madrak

Unclaimed Territory: Glenn Greenwald

James Wolcott


wowsers. drifty made the big time!

here's his acceptance speech - and he highlights a few of his favourite posts.

i only know about half of that list. i wish i had more time.


AB said...

I didn't make it to the finals in any of the categories I was nominated in. Guess I won't be quitting my day job anytime soon.

lukery said...

congrats for being nominated!